Community Diary : March 2023

Athlone Community Radio‘s Community Diary will highlight local events and Community resources taking place throughout Athlone.

. Athlone Musical Society proudly presents ‘Chess’ the musical from Friday, March 3rd to Saturday, March 11th. Book now at

. Athlone Little Theatre presents ‘Philadelphia, Here I come!’ by Brian Friel from March 9th to 16th. For the first time there is also a Sunday Matinee on March 12th at 3pm. Contact for further information.

. Buccaneers RFC will host a Monster Auction on Sunday March 26th in the gym at the Marist College Athlone. The organizing committee invites volunteers to assist with this fundraiser and welcomes articles for inclusion in the auction. Contact the club for further information.

. Athlone African Community Group is proud to host a Gala Dinner to celebrate International Women’s Day, on Saturday 4th March at the Sheraton Hotel Athlone commencing at 6pm.  Join them in a night of empowerment, dance, prizes and plenty of fun. E-mail :

. St Mary’s Scouts will hold a table quiz in The Bounty Athlone on Thursday, March 9th at 8pm. There will also be a raffle on the night. Your support is appreciated.

. Athlone Flower and Garden Club will hold an extraordinary General meeting in the Bounty, Athlone on Tuesday, March 7th at 8pm. This is a very important meeting for the club, as it is necessary to elect club officers and a committee to run the club. The club urges all members, and any person interested in flowers, flower arranging and gardening, to come along and join the meeting.

. Anam Cara, a national organization supporting bereaved parents, is inviting people across the midlands to walk a section of the world-famous Camino this coming  May to raise much-needed funds for the charity. A big Spanish welcome awaits participants on the week-long charity walk, which begins on May 21st  next when the group will depart Dublin for warmer climes. A limited number of spaces are still available for the trip and anyone interested in taking part is asked to contact Jamie as soon as possible on 01 – 4045378.

. St Kieran’s Community Centre Active Age Group meets each Wednesday morning from 10am to 12pm. New members are always welcome.

. Athlone Midlands Samaritans need additional volunteers. No experience or qualifications are necessary, and training is provided. If you are interested, please  e-mail:

. Monksland Active Retirement group meets each Thursday at 10.30am in Monksland Community Centre. New members are always welcome. Enquiries to Margaret at 086-8069726

Athlone Toastmasters is an educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills. Meetings are held on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month at 8.15pm in the Prince of Wales Hotel. Contact 086 – 0623519 for further information.  New members are always welcome.

The Samaritans are available on free call 116123, 24 hours a day to provide emotional support for anyone who wishes to speak to someone in confidence.

. St Mary’s Active Retirement Club has reopened for meetings on Monday afternoon’s at 3pm, in the Clonmacnoise Room at St Mary’s Presbytery Athlone. New members are welcome.

. Athlone Indoor Bowls Club meets every Tuesday & Friday nights in St Peter’s School Hall from 7pm. New members are welcome. For more information contact 086-2525593.

. Bingo will take place in St Kieran’s Community Centre each Tuesday night at 8pm. All Welcome

. MABS (the money advice and budgeting service) is a free, confidential and independent service provided by the state guiding people with problem debt for more than 25 years. Money advisers are available by phone, email and live chat across the whole MABS network. You can contact MABS by calling 0818 07 2000.

. St Vincent de Paul: to reach out to the local branch in confidence please phone 085-1094354.



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